Monday, November 14, 2011

iPad Purchase

Well it is coming on to nearly four months since I bought an IPad. It has taken a lot of getting used to because it is not very intuitive in so many ways. So far it is well worth while because I use it as a Tibetn text reader and have it loaded with all the most important collections of texts that I use frequently. It is also filled with thousands of images from collections that I am working on. It is certainly the technology I have been waiting for for a number of years. I certainly recommend it for all those people that need quick access to large collections of Tibetan texts and images. What is certain is that in the near future the features and large memory that is found on the iPad will be available on a number of other technology brands at a half or a third the price of the iPad. So far it has been my second most useful technology purchase after I upgraded to a Blackberry from a standard cellular phone.

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